Beautiful things happen when you breathe.

It was the first action of our life and it will also be the last. I believe that exploring and mastering the art of breathing should be a journey that everyone can choose to embark on.

That’s why I created this space, which excites me a lot. The idea is to keep updating it over time with more breathwork exercises you can start right away, as well as scientific studies, reflections, and conversations with other experts in the field. What do you think?

I know, the blog articles are only in Italian for now, but they’ll be available in English soon!

Shall we do it together?

You can also choose to embark on a slightly more structured breathwork journey. Do you want to improve in managing anxiety or stress? Do you want more energy to live the day or to perform greatly in the next competition? 

Together, we will create a path so that each practice is tailored to you.

Oppure prova questa tecnica

19 minuti di video in cui ti guido respiro dopo respiro alla scoperta del potere immediato della respirazione diaframmatica. Scioglie (davvero) l’ansia, lo stress e i nodi allo stomaco.